Thursday, August 23, 2007

Long time no check in?

As most of you know my step Dad is in the hospital. He's doing much better.

I've taken on a new responsibility of keeping all the paper work and bills for his business in order while he laid up. School will be starting again soon, so things will be getting a bit more hectic and I don't think I like that.

That is one thing I have yet to teach myself how to be organized. I don't know why I lack that ability so much. Something about it just does not click with me.

I always feel like I am forgetting to do something or I have a million things to do. Am I the only one who feels this way?

Take this blog as an example, I start one and promise myself to keep it up to date, but lord I find that so hard to do. My life is just that uneventful.

So from here on out, I will try to regularly update once again. Enjoy!

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